Public contract: Dodávka a instalace digitálních projektorů s laserovým zdrojem

Information on public contract

procurement procedure phase Awarded
Contract was awarded.
DBID: 519
System number: P17V00000050
Date of commence: 03.07.2017
Tender submit to: 10.07.2017 00:00

Title, type and description of public contract

  • Title: Dodávka a instalace digitálních projektorů s laserovým zdrojem
  • Type of public contract: Supplies

Brief subject description:
Uveřejnění smlouvy dle §219ZZVZ

Procedure type, estimated value

  • Procedure: VZMR s uveřejněním
  • Public contract regime: small-scale public contract
  • Estimated value: n/a

Contracting authority

  • Official name: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
  • CRN: 60460709
  • Postal address:
    Kamýcká 129
    165 00 Praha - Suchdol
  • Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 60062638

Contact address

Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
Kamýcká 129
165 00 Praha - Suchdol

Subject items

Procurement documents

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

No explanation, completion or changes of procurement documents to show. Check also the block Procurement documents.

Public documents


URL addresses

Contract performance